Credit Cards: We accept credit cards backed by the major providers on our website, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Unfortunately, we don’t accept some debit cards. If you’re having trouble checking out, please email us at [email protected] so we can help.  

Apple Pay: If you have an iPhone with Apple Pay enabled, you can use Apple Pay on both desktop and mobile. On desktop, you’ll need MacOS Sierra or above. On iOS, you’ll need iOS 11 or above. Apple Pay is not supported if you visited our site through an in-app browser, like Facebook's.  

PayPal: We accept PayPal on both desktop and mobile. If you have a balance in your PayPal account, that balance will automatically be used before your backup payment method (which you’ll select at the time of purchase). NOTE: PayPal may incorrectly suggest that you can pay with your credit card or bank account first, but you won’t be able to. We apologize for any confusion.

GooglePay: If you have a Google account with GooglePay enabled, you can use GooglePay on both desktop and mobile.

Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes, you can pay with PayPal. 

• At the Billing stage of checkout, select the PayPal option, then click the "PayPal" button. Make sure any pop-up blockers are disabled. 
• Log in to PayPal and review your account info. We'll deduct from your PayPal balance by default, but you can choose an account to draw from if your balance doesn't cover the full cost. You don't need to enter a billing address.
• Click "Agree & Continue" to complete your order.